Friday, December 12, 2014

Sarah's study tour findings worth their weight in carbon emissions

Sarah nailed her study tour to the middle east.

Unconcerned about the plight of her fellow Australians, Sarah selflessly subjected herself to the torment of travelling through Abu Dhabi and on to a refugee camp or two.

Sarah really provided tremendous insight on the Syrian refugee camps in the middle east, something lacking from the coverage Australian's have witnessed.

Unbelievable and inspiring! We must all be thankful that as taxpayers we have made this worthy sacrifice and Sarah got double frequent flyer points!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Evil coal must go now, turn out the lights!

Christine and the Green gang have done a great job in getting coal classified as evil. It's actually worse than ISIS in the eyes of the Greens and I'm on board, even got a bumper sticker and T-shirt.
Christine said if the Greens won the election in Victoria she'd immediately shut down those evil coal plants in Hazelwood, Anglesea and Yallourn.
Go Green girl, shut this stuff down within 12 months she said.

I don't mind candlelight, but for 10 years!


We need to build 6 of the world's largest solar plants right here in Victoria at a cost of $17.4 Billion or whack up 8 more of the largest Wind Farms in the Southern Hemisphere for a bargain $8 Billion in a big hurry. I'm sure Christine has thought through this part?

Monday, December 1, 2014

Greens move to stamp out gender with range of Green toys

I'm with Larissa, lets stamp out gender -
it's far too confusing for kiddies in a trans sexual Green world.
Who wants gender stereotypes in this world.
While we're at it let's even shoot Santa,
he's repressed generations of children long enough! 

I saw this on the Greens website, I'm buying it for my 19 year old daughter.
Non gender Chris, Wally the Trans sexual wind farmer or
Bob the environmentally aware ballerina.


Saturday, November 29, 2014

The all consuming Green experience

I love the way our new Greens are embracing the party.
They all come to worship the green God Bob via his disciple Christine.
Not that I've ever attended a rally, but the feel I get is a spiritual green karma
with Bob's children all hypnotically walking as one after drinking buckets of Green Kool Aid.
This Green stuff has real potential to become a lifestyle.
Praise be to Bob and the Green brothers and sisters.
Gotta admit Green does look better than Orange



Thursday, November 27, 2014

Inhuman treatment at Manus, refugees should get treated like real Aussies do!

According to an unnamed former case worker some poor bugger on Manus had a tooth infection that wasn't treated straight away. Someone else didn't get new clothes straight way after their old ones were worn.

This appalling treatment of refugees should never be tolerated in a civilized world. Only Sarah will tour the Pacific to champion this cause...

That's why I vote Green. 

Sarah's always looking for injustice outside of Australia. 
She's selfless in ensuring that everyone who wants to come to Australia should get here and they should be treated better than anyone who actually lives here. 


Monday, November 24, 2014

ABC Cuts - Abbott's war crime

I think the Greens have been measured in the way they've responded to this atrocity.
The sound bites all make sense. It's a slaughter like no other.
How could the ABC be asked to cut $250 million over 5 years?
It will only get around $5.5 billion of taxpayer money over that period anyway. 

It's our climate change network, the network of Asylum seekers, the network of choice for Greens.
As the posters say, it really is OUR ABC.

The ABC's foreign bureaux will be restructured to create "multiplatform hubs" in Washington, London, Beijing and Jakarta.
The Auckland bureau will be closed down, and a new bureau opened in Beirut.
The number of correspondents will stay the same, including the newly created role of chief foreign correspondent.

Sarah nailed it again, with the Auckland bureau closing we will further isolate ourselves from the world. Why does Abbott hate Auckland? 

Five regional radio offices will be closed

The poor people of Port Augusta will have Port Pirie generated news, Nowra people will cop Wollongong news people, the folks of Gladstone get Bundaberg or Rockhampton journos, the people of Morwell will have to deal with Sale generated news and the good folk of Wagin will have to put up with journos from Bunbury or Albany! It's an outrage.

The people of the regions are being slaughtered. They no longer have an ABC journo in such thriving places as Wagin, what will the 1427 good people of Wagin do without a local station. How could they listen to nearby towns generated news?

So the ABC is being singled out for an attack and is cutting 400 jobs.
It's an outrage - surely no media organisation in Australia has been put through anything like this?

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Green candidate Samantha loves her cat and the great outdoors - minus the wildlife puss eats!

Samantha put that pussy away!
Favourite colour is Green dear, GREEN as in the GREENS!,-strays,-pets-how-to-control-the-cats-that-are-eating-our-wildlife

I love my proforma Green candidates, but get the favourite colour right

Lloyd and Kathleen look like quality candidates, people to help the Green cause and derail any government the majority of Victorians may elect.

Only the Greens can dream of a caring society, a perfect environment, best in class health care, education and environmentally protective public transport purring through our towns and suburbs.
Only the Greens can give you fulfilling and inspiring lives walking in the footsteps of Nelson Mandela.
Only a Greens candidate can list his favourite colour as blue in Liberal blue.
C'mon Lloyd we're the bloody Greens....for f##*'s sake our favourite colour is always Green!!
Thank god your favourite pet wasn't a bloody cat!

Oh and big fella, we're all Latte drinkers. Soy Latte.

Kathleen's ideal Victoria is straight out of the Green manifesto.
Decent affordable houses, people walking everywhere singing Kumbaya, jails are empty, our streets have no cars and we pack 100,000 into the MCG to see someone paint.

 All wonderful and very achievable in a first term Green government, but Kathleen also loves blue!


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Can our Green girls please tidy up their game

Sarah Hanson-Young looks to have borrowed from Christine in wearing some recycled African road kill.

Her meeting with a Cambodian Government official in Leopard skin pants was very ungreen.

C'mon ladies stick with the recycled fabrics, dress down in the traditional Green aging Hippy look we so love. Lee Rhiannon is a great role model.



Monday, November 17, 2014

Hanson-Young finds compelling evidence on Nauru - how does she do it?

Sarah H-Y has done it again. Despite being in Cambodia and finding out all we need to know about that place - she's wired in to Nauru. She's discovered some secret groups plotting anarchy in well printed word documents that could only come from once source.

Well done Sarah.

And wait, there's more...

Sarah has great Cambodian fact finding trip. Finds out Cambodia has lots of poverty

Sarah has jumped all over the issues on her trip to Cambodia.
Like an idealistic year 12 student on a Contiki tour she's all over Cambodia
Cambodia has lots of poor people, they need to be payed more.
Cambodia doesn't have Adelaide's charm, but may have its paedophiles.
Cambodia doesn't have the restaurant scene of Canberra or Adelaide

Fact 1- Chanel is way cheaper here
Fact 2 - Menial work in poor countries doesn't pay as well as my job
Fact 3 - Child abuse is a crime in Cambodia 
Sarah has recommended all Cambodians be resettled in Australia immediately 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

China-US climate deal a gamechanger we must follow. The sound bites make me proud to vote Green

I've caught a few tweets and the ABC coverage of this one and it really looks like the big emitters are finally listening to Christine. What a deal - historic - amazing!

My Greens twitter feed melted down. My Green friends were in tears. A celebration was in order for such an historic event. We popped a few bottles of very expensive red wine at a very nice inner suburban restaurant over a great meal of sustainably caught quinoa, eco friendly barramundi and organic ice cream sourced from free range King Island cows.

Christine, Scott and Naomi Klein gave us the policy detail over Twitter, the ABC gave us the headlines.

Naomi Klein told it how it was.
"Most significantly, commitments made by China under the deal take away what has historically been the most effective argument in defense of climate negligence in the US: “Why should we stop polluting if China won’t?”

Christine gave more even detail in this statement. Congratulations China and the US!

As reported in Bloomberg, China has really stuck its neck out and made huge commitments?

Here's how the NY Times reported it:

So all in all a great result for the World, Christine and Naomi.
The world's largest carbon emitter China, has promised to do nothing to curb its emissions until 2030 (when they are forecast to peak anyway) and will invest heavily in Nuclear power and Hydro electricity, building new Dams!
A great result for the Greens of the world and worth a celebration!  

Friday, November 14, 2014

Rachel Siewert and Christine Milne berate Tony Abbott's "nothing but bush" claims on pre british settled Australia

Clearly the estimated 314,000 aborigines inhabiting Australia at the time of British settlement lived in a very advanced way. I don't know why Mr Abbott denies this?
Not only is Mr Abbott a climate denier, he's an aboriginal infrastructure denier.

Early evidence of Aboriginal cable TV network in 1649

Aboriginal canoes mix with speed boats in Darwin harbour 1728 

Aboriginal infrastructure clearly evident in first fleet painting
I also love the brilliant way Rachel quoted Tony Abbott, that's why I vote Green?
I'm not into the detail.
WARNING: Highly offensive material
“As we look around this glorious city, as we see the extraordinary development, it’s hard to think that back in 1788 it was nothing but bush and that the marines and the convicts and the sailors that straggled off those 12 ships just a few hundred yards from where we are now must have thought they’d come almost to the moon,” Mr Abbott said

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tony Abbott blindly follows the USA - that's why I vote Greens

Look at this! Tony Abbott blindly following the US again - this time into Iraq. Why doesn't he think independently, he's a puppy dog of the USA.


Bloody Abbott! Can't make a decision. Now why on God's earth doesn't he follow the USA immediately