Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Terrorists just need a big hug

I'm with Christine and Sarah, we should lay off the Islamic Community - what the hell have they got to do with Terrorism and this ISIS stuff?
What impact would their leaders have on this issue given it's got nothing to do with them?
Apart from a few thousand Islamic lone wolves, none of the terrorist acts
around the world have had anything Islamic about them.
Lay off Abbott and let these kids have their Contiki tours of Iraq and the Levant
and let some steam off.

Poor old David Hicks, another hatchet job by the Libs.
The guy only went on a holiday to Afghanistan to play paint ball with Osama Bin Laden.
Bloody Abbott has it in for anyone who hangs out with Terrorist groups, it's just not fair!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Us Greens love bushfires and hot weather, but bugger the rain!

At the Greens "we can't stand the rain!"

Christine retweeted this beauty. Dry, heat and 63 retweets getting this important message out. Abbott is destroying Australia with his policies - he's causing bushfires and soaring temperatures!

Unfortunately Christine hasn't tweeted in the past nine days. Not enough good news on fires and hot weather. Are all our Green comrades on holiday as the retweets have dried up too.

No retweet Chris?
Only 1 retweet! Maybe Christine stopped following Outback News along with the rest of the Greens as it appears to be a bit right wing in its weather coverage lately?