Friday, December 12, 2014

Sarah's study tour findings worth their weight in carbon emissions

Sarah nailed her study tour to the middle east.

Unconcerned about the plight of her fellow Australians, Sarah selflessly subjected herself to the torment of travelling through Abu Dhabi and on to a refugee camp or two.

Sarah really provided tremendous insight on the Syrian refugee camps in the middle east, something lacking from the coverage Australian's have witnessed.

Unbelievable and inspiring! We must all be thankful that as taxpayers we have made this worthy sacrifice and Sarah got double frequent flyer points!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Evil coal must go now, turn out the lights!

Christine and the Green gang have done a great job in getting coal classified as evil. It's actually worse than ISIS in the eyes of the Greens and I'm on board, even got a bumper sticker and T-shirt.
Christine said if the Greens won the election in Victoria she'd immediately shut down those evil coal plants in Hazelwood, Anglesea and Yallourn.
Go Green girl, shut this stuff down within 12 months she said.

I don't mind candlelight, but for 10 years!


We need to build 6 of the world's largest solar plants right here in Victoria at a cost of $17.4 Billion or whack up 8 more of the largest Wind Farms in the Southern Hemisphere for a bargain $8 Billion in a big hurry. I'm sure Christine has thought through this part?

Monday, December 1, 2014

Greens move to stamp out gender with range of Green toys

I'm with Larissa, lets stamp out gender -
it's far too confusing for kiddies in a trans sexual Green world.
Who wants gender stereotypes in this world.
While we're at it let's even shoot Santa,
he's repressed generations of children long enough! 

I saw this on the Greens website, I'm buying it for my 19 year old daughter.
Non gender Chris, Wally the Trans sexual wind farmer or
Bob the environmentally aware ballerina.